PS5 System Software Beta Program: How To Sign Up

Similar to their PS4 scheme, Sony has confirmed they're bringing back the firmware beta program on PS5. As a closed beta, Sony will choose who gets to join, letting you test new features and updates ahead of time. If you're looking to get involved, here's what we know.

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What Countries Are Taking Part In This?

Sony's advised you must be located in United States, Canada, Japan, United Kingdom, France, Germany. You'll also need to be aged 18 years or older.

How Do I Register?

You can do that directly through the PlayStation website.

What Does This Beta Involve?

Alongside taking part in downloading new firmware updates, Sony Interactive Entertainment state you must submit feedback in a complete and accurate manner. It's not clear what form that comes in, but we'd guess some manner of survey.

Am I Guaranteed To Get Picked?

No. As a closed beta, participation is at Sony's discretion. It's not clear how they select from a pool of candidates, but if chosen, Sony will email you an official invitation with further details about the Beta Program.

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