Rumours Suggest Guardians of the Galaxy Game Is Coming From Square Enix

Updated - June 10, 2021

Following on from Jeff Grubb's statement last month, we've now got Bloomberg's Jason Schreier claiming Guardians of the Galaxy will appear at E3 2021. Having previously disputed rumours of a new Tomb Raider or Deus Ex game, he believes this will be Eidos Montreal's new reveal.

Speaking in his latest Triple Click podcast, Schreier claimed that this won't be a live service game like Marvel's Avengers by Crystal Dynamics is, potentially going for a single-player angle. With Square Enix revealing Eidos Montreal's new game in their E3 Presentation, we don't have long to wait.

Original - May 26, 2021

When it comes to Marvel games, the Guardians of the Galaxy rarely take centre stage. We've seen it once with The Telltale Series but generally speaking, they're reduced to a supporting role in ensemble games like LEGO Marvel Super Heroes 2. However, following on from Marvel's Avengers, rumours now suggest Square Enix are developing a new game for them.

While hosting a new episode of Game Mess, VentureBeat's Jeff Grubb stated pretty clearly that a new game is coming, but was unclear whether it'd be unveiled during E3 2021, which Square Enix are confirmed to attend. More specifically, he stated:

Guardians of the Galaxy is gonna be made by Square Enix... yeah, that's real. That's real.

Read More: Crystal Dynamics Reveals Marvel's Avengers Iron Man Endgame Skin

Rumours Suggest Guardians of the Galaxy Game Is Coming From Square Enix

We've linked the video below, but you can find Grubb's comments around the 9:28 mark. Grubb's often been a reliable source before and elsewhere, he's recently stated that there's a "90% chance" of Starfield being released this summer.

As always though, until this is officially confirmed by Square Enix, we'll need to take these rumours with a pinch of salt. However, if true, that could time up nicely with Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3.

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