Mario & Luigi 2021: Release Date, Rumors, Leaks and Everything We Know So Far

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The Mario & Luigi RPG series may be getting another installment in the coming year, so we are here to break down everything we know so far!

After Alphadream filed for bankruptcy in October 2019, many fans believe the series would die with them, but perhaps it won’t.

We’ll admit, there isn’t too much right now, but as we learn more we’ll be sure to update this page to keep you in the loop.

Release Date

There’s nothing official yet, but a leaker with a decent track record @HotGirlVideos69 on Twitter recently had this to say:

RUMOR:Mario and Luigi IP due late 2021/early 2022 for new #NintendoSwitchAdvanced.Existing M&L properties for #Nintendo DS tentatively available for #NintendoSwitchOnline in June
— Tiffany Treadmore Inc. (@HotGirlVideos69)
November 29, 2020

Her handle may not scream trustability but this won’t be her first leak so we’re willing to put some faith in it.

Her placement of late 2021/2022 would be plausible for the game.

Nintendo filed a trademark for the Mario & Luigi series back on January 9, showing they still have an interest in the franchise.

The DS games coming to Nintendo Switch Online feels a little less likely, as GameBoy and GameCube games aren’t even on the service yet, but maybe we’ll be surprised.


At this time we don’t have any inclination on how the plot will progress, but given the past Mario & Luigi games’ stories, we are sure it will be wacky as always.

It is also possible that it could be a remake of an older title, meaning we’d already know the story and we can let you know as soon as we find out!

When we do we will update this page with everything we know!

Playable Characters

As with any Mario & Luigi title, the Mario Bros. will almost certainly be playable.

We could also see Toad, Peach and other fan favourite characters show up too, but we don’t know anything for certain right now.

When more information comes out, we’ll update this page to keep you in the know!

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