DrDisrespect's New Game Studio Called On To Make The Sequel To H1Z1 By Its Former Senior Game Dev

DrDisrespect recently announced he was serious about creating a game by posting a job listing on his website. There seems to be a lot of support coming from game developers with tons of experience. A former H1Z1 developer tweeted asking for the opportunity to work with the Two-Time.

DrDisrespect wants to create a vertical Battle Royale to compete with others. He plans to work with other streamers and influencers to make the game the best it can be. It isn't always a straight line to the goal; maybe he should take the developer up on their offer.

Backstory here: DrDisrespect Is Making A Battle Royale Game And He's Hiring Developers

Will DrDisrespect buy the H1Z1 IP?

It has been well known that Dr. Disrespect talked down about Call of Duty: Warzone and Apex Legends. Despite this, he retracted his statement with Apex Legends and said he loved the game. However, he has a lot of opinions about games in the industry.

Because of this, seeing him specifically make a game is fascinating. Therefore, it is no wonder why so many would want to follow him. If anything, I'm surprised that there aren't more tweets towards DrDisrespect.

Adam Clegg was the one who tweeted Doc. Adam was the Senior Game Designer for H1Z1, so he clearly has a lot of experience. His request is for DrDisrespect to purchase the H1Z1 IP and then launch development on a new game.

This tweet was spotted by Dexerto, who has a different opinion than mine.

Many websites state what DrDisrespect said about H1Z1 in the past and try to make it seem plausible. I won't clickbait you; I'll tell you straight up. It's not likely, not even a little bit. Why would DrDisrespect buy the IP when he doesn't want to make a game like H1Z1?

The cons outweigh the pros, in my opinion. On top of the cost of developing a game, it's expensive to buy an IP. And secondly, DrDisrespect is not interested in doing it. No offense meant, but the benefit is also tiny. In the end, he gets an IP he didn't want and a single developer. Doc doesn't seem to have answered the game developer, so it's an easy pass.

Everyone who watches Doc knows better than to think he would do this. This is just the precursor to better offers.

More DrDisrespect: Why DrDisrespect Is Worried About Halo Infinite

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