Rumor: Epic Is Planning a Fortnite RPG Mode After Season 7

Epic could be planning a Fortnite RPG mode — at least, that's what fans think after seeing some newly leaked photos potentially from the battle royale's post-season 7 content.

The images (courtesy of dataminer iFireMonkey) show a group of Fortnite heroes armed to the teeth with weapons, including spears and magic wands, and supported by what seems like a massive monkey.

Character placement and weapon choice are certainly reminiscent of traditional RPGs, but there's another reason people believe the leaked artwork points toward something bigger than just a new season.

Documents from the Epic v. Apple trial earlier in 2021 revealed Epic is working on an open-world sandbox mode. That could be a number of things, though the popular choice is an MMO or traditional RPG.

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Rumor: Epic Is Planning a Fortnite RPG Mode After Season 7

iFireMonkey found the images on Fortnite's servers under the name Saturn_Test_LTM (Limited Time Mode).

Epic later removed Saturn_Test from the servers, but the mode had reportedly been tested hundreds of times while it was active, which may suggest it's a new or more complex mode — or that the dev team simply had a number of issues to work out.

Either way, we might not have too long to wait. The Season 7 battle pass ends September 12, and it's usually shortly after an old battle pass expires that a new season begins.

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