Final Fantasy IV Pixel Remaster Arrives This September

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Square Enix has announced that Final Fantasy IV Pixel Remaster launches on September 8th. Following Square Enix's launch last month for Final Fantasy I-III across PC and mobile - presently, no console release plans are confirmed - their immediate follow up isn't far behind.

Speaking through a press release, Square Enix offered this outline for new players:

In FINAL FANTASY IV, The Kingdom of Baron sends their elite airship fleet, the Red Wings, to attack the surrounding countries. Distressed by his mission, Cecil, a dark knight and captain of the Red Wings, decides to fight against the tyrannical Baron with his trusted friend and his paramour at his side. In his search for the crystals, Cecil must travel over land, under the ground, to the Land of Summons and even to the moon. Along the way, players will join forces with Kain the dragoon, Rosa the white mage, Rydia the summoner and many more skilled allies.

Read More: Final Fantasy Pixel Remaster Review: Almost Pixel Perfect

Final Fantasy IV Pixel Remaster Launches This September

Similar to the previous Pixel Remasters, Final Fantasy IV's newest launch comes with updated 2D pixel graphics, a rearranged soundtrack by IV's original composer, Nobou Uematsu, alongside new quality-of-life improvements like updated controls and being able to save at any time.

Final Fantasy IV Pixel Remaster screenshot
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We took a look at the previous Pixel Remasters last month, coming away with mostly positive impressions. Awarding them a 4/5, we called it a "slightly uneven collection", advising the "core material is still brilliant" but that if you'd hoped for more, "you'll be a bit disappointed."

With Final Fantasy V and VI Pixel Remasters still to launch, we can't imagine we'll be waiting long to see this 2D RPG collection completed.

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